
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Im back....with a treat to share!

I totally neglected my blog when I was 
introduced to instagram! 
Its just so easy to upload pictures QUICKLY and write
a little description on instagram!
I do want to get back into making a blog once in a while.
I've missed it!
& it's fun to look back at!

At the farmers market here, there is an amazing stand called
'Oh Goodness'.
My mother-in-law introduced me -- & i am HOOKED.
It's made with some healthier things like coconut flour, almond meal & flour etc.
Its breads and scones and muffins and brownie bites and PIES.............
THEE most DELicious pie i just tried was there blueberry one!
It's an almond meal pie crust with a cranberry jelly center with fresh local blueberries.

As I was eating it i thought to myself...
"this is such a simple pie.... with simple ingredients! I def. could figure out how to make this!"

So I attempted it today!

I had everything I needed MINUS a pie pan.....
Of ALL the kitchen tools and accessories I have i have never gotten a pie pan!
However, I am pretty good at using something i already have and making it work!

So i used a 'muffin top' pan.
So instead of one large pie I made 6 mini pies.
(sorry i never took a picture of it clean before I used it)

Things you will need....

Pie Crust:    1/2 cups Almond Meal or Almond Flour
                                                            3 TBSP Butter or Coconut Oil
                                                            3 TBSP Sugar or Sugar Substitue (ex. agave)
                                                            1 tsp Vanilla Extract 

                                      Pie Filling:    1 packet Pudding or Jello of choice
                                                           Whatever kind & amount of fruit

Pie pan or Muffin Top pan


First thing I did was make the pudding and set it aside to cool till I needed it.

I then combined the ingredients for the pie crust and baked it at 350 degrees for 9-10 minutes.

I then took them out of the pan and placed them into 6 seperate bowls.

Then I placed the pudding on top.

Then I placed the blueberries on top.

Then popped them in the fridge for a couple hours to really thicken the pudding.

DEElicious and pretty guilt free :P

Its a must try 
& i will def. be making it again!