
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Our Story..

I think most people know our story..
The story of Chad & I
But for those who don't know, or those who just want to look back on it (like me), I thought I would share our story in a blog! :)

Can listen to this awesome song if you would like, while you read the blog :)

The Beginning..
It all started September long weekend of 2009.
My beautiful most amazing cousin, Amy, told me of a guy she thought I really needed to meet.
Meanwhile, Kyle (Amy's husband/Chad's cousin), told Chad of a girl he really needed to meet.
So Sept. long weekend, I decided to head out to Kelowna.
Amy, Kyle, Chad & I double dated & spent that long weekend all together!
September 18th, 2009, Chad "properly" asked me out!
CLEARLY, I said yes!!!..Chad & I were official.
How exciting!
Just a FEW ;) .. flights, greyhound trips, dates & so on later..
Chad & I decided to take a trip to the coast to visit his family there and just spend some quality time together walking around Granville Island Market & Stanley Park!
Saturday night, we decided to go for a little walk under the stars by Bruce's Market.
We walked down to the docks where all the fishing boats were and we sat on the Silver Totem boat for a little while just talking. Then Chad decided to POP the question!!
He pulled the ring out of his pocket & asked "Serena, will you marry me?"
It was the sweetest moment EVER!
Engaged May 8, 2010 at Ten Thirty pm. 
My amazing mom & amazing Aunty Lori planned a fun bridal shower for me!
Everyone brought me one of their top recipes! I have tested a few out that have turned out SO yummy! I still have tons more to go through!


Everyone also wrote out their marital advice for Chad & I :)
Here is some of the advice we got:
Don't go to bed upset. Work things out and make up before bed-Kristen
Never go to bed angry-Jacyntha
Never go to sleep mad at each other-Maralee
Make things in life IDEAL not an IDOL-Joan Cronin
Learn how to cook...No im just kidding! Learn how to talk things through & to appreciate each other even when things are bumpy. Never stop doing the little things-Christine Leonhardt
Never get too busy or too old to go on a date! At the end of the day tell your spouse one thing that you appreciate about them that day-Linette
Keep trust & honesty KEY for lasting true love!-Madison
Give lots of hugs-Tara
Don't let the sun go down on your anger. Always kiss & make up-Shirley
Tell your husband everyday how much you love him :)-Grama Donna
Be loving, always make up before going to bed, if you had a disagreement, be happy, and have a good sense of humor-Michelle
Something Uncle Jack Price told us 40 years ago: Always say "good night", never go to sleep angry at each other. Remember to be thankful for each effort the other is doing-Dona D
Say I love you at least once a day. Use your recipe cards & make a delicious dinner or whatever. Clean the house and do whatever your husband wants & surprise him-michelle manary
Never go to bed angry with each other :)-Lindsey Dreger
Always treat your husband like a King & he will treat you like a Queen<3-Aunty Kerri
Love like there is no tomorrow-Joni Goodkey
Let it be known Serena-Men are different than women. In every man is a 5 year old boy that wants to be appreciated. So keep him happy by saying I so appreciate that Chad & he will go do something else for you. Then happy you-Marj
Be nice to each other- Mikiyo Goto
When your husband say "Lets talk about this tomorrow" Don't push it, otherwise you'll end up in a fight. Its the good advise I got from my mother in law. I have been trying to do this for 4 years , sometimes I fail(When i forget to follow the advise)-Lidia Cronin
Its like a triangle with God at the top, Chad & you at the two bottom corners, and the closer to God you are, the closer you are to eachother-Amy 
Then came the wedding dress shopping with my mom, aunty kerri & amy. 
The wedding dress I chose, was pretty much the first one I saw. But i didn't want to choose the first dress in case there was something better out there. So I tried a few other dresses on!
I remember when I tried on the dress I chose for the first time, Amy said "oh Rena! You literally just took my breath away! Thats the dress!"
Amy saying that, definitely 'sealed the deal'.
I knew that was THEE dress.
Getting the little top jacket for the dress was a WHOLE other story, and THANKfully I had the help of my AMAZING aunty kerri & AMAZING mom.
I wouldn't have been able to get the dress situation all figured out if it wasn't for the help of them!
My Aunty Kerri was SUCH a great help throughout the entire wedding!
When I got ready for the wedding & was in my wedding dress and ready to go, my aunty kerri started to tear up & it struck something in me and then before I knew it I was crying! ha-Great memories <3

Here are just a few 'behind the scene' pictures we quickly took while wedding dress shopping.
They were taken on a cell phone so not the best quality.
The first 2 pictures on the left are of the dress I chose. The one on the right was my second choice.
These next few dresses I tried on were horrible looking! We tried to keep our laughter down in the bridal boutique :P
These last few pictures are also of the dress I chose! 
This was the dress strapless & without a little jacket.

We got married January 21, 2011 at Sparkling Hills Resort.
It was the most beautiful day with crystal white snow, amazing views, a gorgeous resort, & all our close friends and family! 
The day could not have been better!

Here are a few of our wedding pictures!   01.21.11 <3
Again, be sure to click on each picture for a larger view!
These are pictures of the resort &  just a FEW of the crystals all over the resort!
Chad & I getting ready!
Our YUMMY snack table! We painted all those little white candy boxes!
Our flower arrangements!
Saying 'I Do'!
I just love that picture of Chads Grandma & Me. The picture cut off but we are holding hands :P
So precious :)
As for the bottom left hand picture-LOVE those 2 girls!!
I can't get enough of the pictures of our little flower girls!
Most darling little things. They really felt like princess's that day! :)

The left is all the crystals hanging from each levels walkway, as soon as you walk into the resort!
The right is me & the most AMAZING mother-in-law EVER! :) Love the picture! 

I can't end this blog post without saying a few thanks!
THANKS to Aunty Kerri & Uncle Darwin for ALL the wedding prints & for all the extra help!


  1. Great Blog, Great Post, Great Memories!!!

  2. Anonymous10.11.11

    aww, looks awesome baby! .chad.

  3. Anonymous10.11.11

    LOVE your blog!! GREAT memories! Was a great read. Pod

  4. Love your Love story! So perfect!
